pdof_description | getfem::lagrange_dof (dim_type d) |
| Description of a unique dof of lagrange type (value at the node). More...
pdof_description | getfem::derivative_dof (dim_type d, dim_type r) |
| Description of a unique dof of derivative type. More...
pdof_description | getfem::second_derivative_dof (dim_type d, dim_type num_der1, dim_type num_der2) |
| Description of a unique dof of second derivative type. More...
pdof_description | getfem::normal_derivative_dof (dim_type d) |
| Description of a unique dof of normal derivative type (normal derivative at the node, regarding a face). More...
pdof_description | getfem::mean_value_dof (dim_type d) |
| Description of a unique dof of mean value type. More...
pdof_description | getfem::global_dof (dim_type d) |
| Description of a global dof, i.e. More...
pdof_description | getfem::product_dof (pdof_description pnd1, pdof_description pnd2) |
| Product description of the descriptions *pnd1 and *pnd2.
pdof_description | getfem::xfem_dof (pdof_description p, size_type ind) |
| Description of a special dof for Xfem.
size_type | getfem::dof_xfem_index (pdof_description) |
| Returns the xfem_index of dof (0 for normal dof)
int | getfem::dof_description_compare (pdof_description a, pdof_description b) |
| Gives a total order on the dof description compatible with the identification.
bool | getfem::dof_linkable (pdof_description) |
| Says if the dof is linkable.
bool | getfem::dof_compatibility (pdof_description, pdof_description) |
| Says if the two dofs can be identified.
pfem | getfem::classical_fem (bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt, short_type k, bool complete=false) |
| Give a pointer on the structures describing the classical polynomial fem of degree k on a given convex type. More...
pfem | getfem::classical_discontinuous_fem (bgeot::pgeometric_trans pg, short_type k, scalar_type alpha=0, bool complete=false) |
| Give a pointer on the structures describing the classical polynomial discontinuous fem of degree k on a given convex type. More...
pfem | getfem::fem_descriptor (const std::string &name) |
| get a fem descriptor from its string name.
std::string | getfem::name_of_fem (pfem p) |
| get the string name of a fem descriptor.
pfem_precomp | getfem::fem_precomp (pfem pf, bgeot::pstored_point_tab pspt, dal::pstatic_stored_object dep) |
| Handles precomputations for FEM. More...
void | getfem::delete_fem_precomp (pfem_precomp pfp) |
| Request for the removal of a pfem_precomp.
pfem | getfem::interior_fem_of_hho_method (pfem hho_method) |
| Specific function for a HHO method to obtain the method in the interior. More...
Definition of the finite element methods.
- Author
- Yves Renard Yves..nosp@m.Rena.nosp@m.rd@in.nosp@m.sa-l.nosp@m.yon.f.nosp@m.r
- Date
- December 21, 1999. This file defines the getfem::virtual_fem class, which is the common base class of all FEM.
List of FEM known by getfem::fem_descriptor :
- "FEM_PK(N,K)" : classical Lagrange element PK on a simplex.
- "FEM_PK_DISCONTINUOUS(N,K,alpha)" : discontinuous Lagrange element PK on a simplex.
- "FEM_QK(N,K)" : classical Lagrange element QK on a parellepiped.
- "FEM_QK_DISCONTINUOUS(N,K,alpha)" : discontinuous Lagrange element QK on a parallelepiped.
- "FEM_Q2_INCOMPLETE(N)" : incomplete Q2 elements with 8 and 20 dof (serendipity Quad 8 and Hexa 20 elements)
- "FEM_Q2_INCOMPLETE_DISCONTINUOUS(N)" : discontinuous incomplete Q2 elements with 8 and 20 dof (serendipity Quad 8 and Hexa 20 elements)
- "FEM_PRISM_PK(N,K)" : classical Lagrange element PK on a prism.
- "FEM_PRISM_PK_DISCONTINUOUS(N,K,alpha)" : classical discontinuous Lagrange element PK on a prism.
- "FEM_PRISM_INCOMPLETE_P2" : Incomplete Lagrange element on a quadratic 3D prism (serendipity, 15-node wedge element). Can be connected toa standard P2 Lagrange on its triangular faces and a Q2_INCOMPLETE Lagrange element on its quadrangular faces.
- "FEM_PK_WITH_CUBIC_BUBBLE(N,K)" : classical Lagrange element PK on a simplex with an additional volumic bubble function.
- "FEM_PRODUCT(FEM1,FEM2)" : tensorial product of two polynomial elements
- "FEM_P1_NONCONFORMING" : Nonconforming P1 method on a triangle.
- "FEM_P1_BUBBLE_FACE(N)" : P1 method on a simplex with an additional bubble function on face 0.
- "FEM_P1_BUBBLE_FACE_LAG" : P1 method on a simplex with an additional lagrange dof on face 0.
- "FEM_HERMITE(N)" : Hermite element P3 on dimension N (1, 2 por 3).
- "FEM_ARGYRIS" : Argyris element on the triangle.
- "FEM_HCT_TRIANGLE" : Hsieh-Clough-Tocher element on the triangle (composite P3 element which is C^1, 12 dof).
- "FEM_REDUCED_HCT_TRIANGLE" : Hsieh-Clough-Tocher element on the triangle (composite P3 element which is C^1, 9 dof).
- "FEM_QUADC1_COMPOSITE" : quadrilateral element, composite P3 element and C^1 (16 dof).
- "FEM_REDUCED_QUADC1_COMPOSITE" : quadrilateral element, composite P3 element and C^1 (12 dof).
- "FEM_PK_HIERARCHICAL(N,K)" : PK element with a hierarchical basis.
- "FEM_QK_HIERARCHICAL(N,K)" : QK element with a hierarchical basis.
- "FEM_PRISM_PK_HIERARCHICAL(N,K)" : PK element on a prism with a hierarchical basis.
- "FEM_STRUCTURED_COMPOSITE(FEM, K)" : Composite fem on a grid with K divisions.
- "FEM_PK_HIERARCHICAL_COMPOSITE(N,K,S)" : PK composite element on a grid with S subdivisions and with a hierarchical basis.
- "FEM_PK_FULL_HIERARCHICAL_COMPOSITE(N,K,S)" : PK composite element with S subdivisions and a hierarchical basis on both degree and subdivision.
- "FEM_PYRAMID_QK(K)" : Lagrange element on a 3D pyramid of degree K=0, 1 or 2. Can be connected to a standard P1/P2 Lagrange element on its triangular faces and a standard Q1/Q2 Lagrange element on its quadrangular face.
- "FEM_PYRAMID_QK_DISCONTINUOUS(K)" : Discontinuous Lagrange element on a 3D pyramid of degree K = 0, 1 or 2.
- "FEM_PYRAMID_Q2_INCOMPLETE" : Incomplete Lagrange element on a quadratic 3D pyramid (serendipity, 13-node element). Can be connected to a standard P2 Lagrange element on its triangular faces and a Q2_INCOMPLETE Lagrange element on its quadrangular face.
- "HHO(fem_interior, fem_face_1, ..., fem_face_n)" : Build a hybrid method with "fem_interior" on the element itself and "fem_face_1", ..., "fem_face_n" on each face. If only one method is given for the faces, it is duplicated on each face.
Definition in file getfem_fem.h.