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Re: [Fwd: [Fwd: First Open Source Documentation Summit at the O'ReillyOpen Source Convention]]

On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Gary Lawrence Murphy wrote:
>     C> it myself, but we, at MandrakeSoft, are interested in
>     C> participating in the project of developing a new solution. 
> Add "we at Teledynamics Communications Inc" to that ;)  This is an
> important component for free software documentation.

my POV is that I want to use TeX to format my XML documents, at least
until/unless FOP ever gets good enough to replace it. I will use my
not-inconsiderable TeX knowledge and experience to that aim - but lets all
play the same game. Is there any future in DSSSL? If not, lets not waste
time on jadetex any more. if you think there *is* a future in DSSSL,
someone convince me....


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